The largest language service providers in the world

The largest language service providers in the world

2022 was a year of uncertainties. The War in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the economy of the countries. High inflation rates and polarized elections have also affected the economic growth of the companies.

Despite this, Aliança Traduções managed to overcome all challenges by investing in people, systems and technology. We reorganized our internal structure, implemented a new management system, redesigned processes and invested in training.

As a result of our team effort, we are proud to announce that Aliança Traduções is one of the largest translation companies in the world for the second consecutive year, according to the Slator Index.

Slator is the main source of intelligence research and analysis for the translation, localization and language technology industry of the world. Its index ranks the largest language service providers according to services provided, size, fields of operation and annual growth.

The Slator Index classifies Language Service Providers (LSP) in four separate groups. Aliança Traduções is ranked in the Boutique Segment and is one of only four companies in Brazil ranked in the 2022 index.


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