Sworn Translations in Brazil

 What is a sworn translation?

Sworn translations are exclusively carried out by sworn or certified public translators.
Sworn translations bear the name, registration number, signature and seal of the Sworn Translators and do not replace the original document but are attached to them in order to certify that their content has been accurately translated into the target language.
In Brazil, the requirement for sworn translations originated in Federal Decree No. 13,609, of October 21, 1943, which created the position of Sworn Translators, individuals who must pass a public examination and who are registered with the Commercial Registry of the state in which they reside and operate. JUCESP and JUCERJA are, respectively, the Commercial Registries for the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

What kind of documents require a sworn translation?

Powers of attorney that require registration, academic transcripts or diplomas of foreign students who wish to study in Brazil, personal documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, marriage certificates, as well as contracts and documents that need to be attached to legal proceedings in Brazil are some of the documents that may require a sworn translation. It is advisable to consult the authority that will receive your document to check the need for a sworn translation.

What is the price of a sworn translation?

The price for sworn translations is set by the Commercial Registry of each state and it may be found on its website. The price is determined per “lauda” [page], and each state has a different definition of what is a “lauda”. In São Paulo, it corresponds to 1,000 characters without space. It is worth mentioning that all sworn translators are obliged to follow the price table determined by the Commercial Registry.

How can I find sworn translators?

A list of all qualified sworn translators may be found on the website of the Commercial Registry of each state. If a sworn translator is not available in a certain language, the Commercial Registry may approve the use of “ad hoc” translators. At Aliança Traduções, we work with translators in several language pairs and we will be happy to assist you and clarify any questions!


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